Freelance content manager, writer, editor — from travel and tourism to food and drink (and whatever you’re having yourself).

Highlighting homegrown produce | Emily Bunbury

Walk past the expansive lawns, up the steps, underneath the stone portico, through the front door (aha, there it is; at the side of the house) — and step into the past. Here since the mid-1800s, the flagstone floors under your feet have been smoothed by time and thousands of people moving through these rooms. The mingled scent of aged leather book bindings and cosy wood fires permeates the air, while the gleaming wood of ornately carved furniture invites you to sit, stay a while and snuggle into the velvet scatter cushions. Welcome to the home of William and Emily McClintock Bunbury and their family.

Spending time in Nana's kitchen | Paul Fleming

One of the best things about travelling through Ireland's countryside is the charming little villages you'll inevitably encounter. The pace is relaxed, not much is needed here to get by; perhaps just a place of worship, a school, a post office, and a shop or two. Or maybe the post office is the shop. But at the heart of any quintessential sleepy village is the local café — a community hub providing enough tea, tasty food, and talk to keep villagers fed, watered and up to speed on local news.

A Local's Destination Guide to Dublin

Divided into the Northside and Southside by the River Liffey, Dublin’s fair city of nearly 1.5 million is home to a third of Ireland’s population. You can feel the brisk tempo of this busy capital — with its vibrant arts and culture, upsurge in restaurants, and classical Georgian neighbourhoods bumping up against rapidly changing areas like the Docklands. Local expert Emily Cathcart says there’s always something to see in Dublin when you know where to look.

Preserving a slow art form

In an age of mass production and instant gratification, these handmade pieces take time and patience to create. Are La Manufacture Cogolin’s bespoke, artist-designed rugs the ultimate ‘slow’ art form? Managing Director Sarah Henry thinks so: “For sure it is a long process! We spend quite a bit of time on the design development and the transformation of a two-dimensional drawing into a textile piece. Most often we do one or two rounds of samples when developing a collection or working on a fully

Past and future meet at Carton House

After driving through the peaceful countryside, I approached the imposing 18th century building and sprinted through the deluge to be greeted by a surprisingly 21st century entrance—a new addition created as part of an extensive multi-million Euro refurbishment project completed in 2021. Welcomed with a warming cup of tea as I was drying out, I had only just settled into a comfortable velvet-upholstered sofa in the reception when Martin appeared. After the inevitable discussion of the weather (a
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